Tuesday 15 December 2015

Lighting - Definitions

A snoot fits over a studio light/portable flash and allows the photographer to have more control the light in terms of direction and radius.

Honeycomb grid:

When the honeycomb is fixed to a studio light, the light shines through and creates a tight beam of light. This will create a focused beam with little diffusion. It is effective in creating little diffusion, but will not create as strong of a beam as the snoot.

Reflector dish:

Usually made of metal, light reflectors direct light in a 90 - 120 degree beam. The wider the dish, the softer the light beam from the lamp.

High key lighting: high key lighting as predominantly light tones. It is often used in beauty images to convey lighthearted moods and create a fun feeling to an image.

Low key lighting: low key lighting has predominantly dark tones. It is used to create mood, mystery and makes skin texture more detailed, adding character to the model.

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