Monday 25 January 2016

Landscape - Image Bank

I like this image due to the vibrance of the colours compared to the pure white of the waterfall. The face that the grass is such a bright green and the orange of the cliff is so strong makes it seem slightly artificial and shows you how wonderful nature can be.

I like how this images only uses three colours but is still such an interesting photo. The bright yellow of the flowers and the blue of the sky makes the tree in the centre of the image stand out much more. It almost seems lonely as it is such a wide landscape yet it is the only tree in the area.

The use of reflection in this image makes it almost seem manipulated due to how clear it is on the surface of the river. This reflection creates a full circle in the centre of the image, which is clearly the focal point. What also makes this area the focal point is that there is a white light shining on the surface of the river, standing out against the dark greens and browns.

The use of different tones of blue in this image makes is stand out so much more as it all fits to one theme rather than appearing to have different colours thrown together. Due to most of the colours being quite dark, it makes the fog pop as it appears to be so light. This is immediately what your eyesight is drawn towards as this is the part of the image that stands out the most.

The leading lines in this image of the plants immediately bring your eyesight to the horizon, but I don't believe that this is the focal point of the image which is why I like this image. I like how, although the focal point should mostly be where the leading lines take you, I believe the actual rows of plants to be the focus point due to the bright greens and purples and the darkness in between each row compared to the pastel colours of the sky.

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