Monday 4 January 2016

My Life Photo Documentary - Work Diary

I decided that, for my documentary photography project, that I would take a picture a day at the same time of whatever was around me. I decided to take my pictures using my iPhone as when doing a project such as this, I feel it is the easiest thing to use because it is so accessible and you can still create good quality images. I decided to take a picture everyday at 7:30 as this was the time when I was always available, as I often worked during the day. I believe that I was successful as I managed to stick to my schedule and take an image at exactly 7:30 everyday and each image related to what I was doing at the time. Below are two of my favourite images from this project and also two images that I did not like.

I took this picture whilst shopping in Asda. I like this image as it has such a wide variety of colours and shapes that there is not just one focal point in the image. I also like how the image is not framed but is closed in on a particular section of the shelves meaning that the viewer cannot see where the rest ends - the image leads off of the edges.

I also really liked this image. This was taken in Oxford Street, London after my family and I saw the musical Cats. I like how, to any viewer, it would seem to be just an image of christmas lights in a busy and fast paced street, but to me it represents my trip to London on Christmas Eve. I also like how, when editing this image, I darkened the bottom of the image so that the crowd is almost a silhouette, bringing focus to the buildings and lights. 

This was an image I did not like. It was after I took the image and uploaded it to my laptop at home that I realised it was slightly blurred towards the left. I thought that this would make a good image with the christmas lights and the dark sky as it would represent Christmas, but when I was editing the image I found that no matter what I did the images and sky would brighten and the image would be less eye catching.

This is the second image that I did not like. The reason I did not like this is because I feel there is too much going on. The ornament was hung up above the poster earlier on in the day and I didn't want to move it as I wanted all of my images to be natural. I feel that the fact that the background is a poster takes away from the vibrance and boldness of the ornament. If it weren't for my aim to have completely natural images, I would have placed this on a white background.


If I were to do this project again, I would perhaps focus on taking an image of something I did everyday and not at the same time everyday as this may allow me to get a wider variety of interesting images. I would also use a camera next time as this would allow me to take images of a higher quality.

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