Monday 8 February 2016

4th Plinth Project - Work Diary

 For our 4th Plinth project, we were tasked with creating composite images by first shooting images of our chosen objects in the studio and the taking images of landscapes in London. Once back in lesson, we were tasked with editing these images by placing the objects into the landscapes in different ways. I really liked this task as it enabled me to experiment with new Photoshop techniques and I was able to go in any direction I wished. The objects I chose were a cup and saucer, a book on British monarchy and a Harry Potter luggage photo frame. I chose these as I felt they would work really well and, as I would be shooting the landscapes in London, felt these objects would tie in well as they are stereotypically British things. Below is an image that I liked and one I did not like.

This is my favourite image from the project. I feel that the cup fits well in the photo as it looks like it is being filled up by the water from the fountain. I used a layer mask on this photograph and painted over the bottom on the saucer in order to make it look as though the cup is floating in the fountain so that it looks more natural. This is the reason I liked this image, as I feel that the overall image works well.

This was an image that I did not like. Whilst I liked the original image on its own, I feel that the cup and saucer, when edited into the photo, seems very out of place and doesn't seem to fit. Whilst it is the Mad Hatter and White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland having a 'tea party' and so the idea of a cup and saucer should work, I feel that the placement of the object is why it does not fit.


If I were to work on this project again, I would shoot pictures of more objects so that I had more options of what top place into my images. Also, I would think more about my objects when taking images of the landscapes as I did not do this during the project and feel this is why I struggled when it came to making my objects fit in images.

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