Monday 8 February 2016

Connecting Essay 5

This image has captured the movement of the train in a capturing way. The photographer would have used a slow shutter speed in order to create this image as we can almost see through the train, meaning that the image had been taken before the train started passing through the frame. I like how the slow shutter speed has made the train almost look like streaks of light going through the image.

To create this image, I set the shutter speed to 1/1.25 so that I could capture the movement of the train but keep it so that you could see the colours and the design of the train as these colours are widely known to being connected with the London underground. To enhance the colours, I edited the vibrance in Photoshop and then, using the quick select tool, I turned anything that wasn't the train into black and white to make the colours pop.

The main similarity between these images is the fact that they have both captured the movement of the London underground trains. As a result of the same trains being used, the colours are very similar which makes the images look even more alike. 

There are quite a few differences between the two images. For example, the first is in full colour whilst I have chosen to use colour manipulation in order to bring more focus towards the colours of the train. Furthermore, I have focussed my camera towards the train and stood quite close to ensure that my picture was of only the train and not of the platform. The first picture, on the other hand, is taken from quite far back and includes the platform in the image, which shows the people on the platform walking as well as the train moving. A final difference is the speed of shutter speed - the first has used a slower shutter speed in order to capture more movement.

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