Wednesday 10 February 2016

London Documentary - Work Diary

On the 28th January 2016, my photography class went on a trip into London. We were visiting the Science Museum in order to view two photography exhibitions there - Alec Soth and Julia Margaret Cameron. After visiting the museums we went into Trafalgar Square in order to take pictures for our 4th plinth project. Before meeting my class at the museum, I decided to go to Camden as this is where I wanted to photograph for documetary.

This is one of my favourite images from the day. I really like how there are mostly brown and black tones in the images from the bricked walls and cobbled paths, but the vibrance of the van makes the picture really pop and brings attention to the woman in the centre of the picture. In Photoshop, I turned up the vibrance and contrast slightly to brighten the colours more and therefore make the picture more eye-catching.

When I first took this picture, I really liked it and planned to use it in my straight images. But, when I uploaded it to the computer and looked at it on Photoshop, I realised that the background was in focus and the statute was slightly blurred which I didn't like. This is something that could not have been fixed in Photoshop as trying the sharped the statue did not work and so I could not use it.


If I were to do this again, I would ensure that I took multiple pictures of the same thing to ensure that, if the first went wrong, the others came out well. I would also try to take more pictures of people as I mainly focussed on the landscapes and surroundings and would like to capture the people in a place. I would also like to do a documentary shoot at night as I feel I could capture a completely different way of life.

1 comment:

  1. good analysis here please also refer to the images within the straight images section and explain why they work together as a series and in what way are you visually "documenting"Cambden?
