Monday 8 February 2016

Connecting Essay 2

The use of narrow depth of field in this image really draws your eye to the centre of the image, bringing your focus to the droplets of water sitting on the leaf. As there are only a few droplets, it makes them stand out that much more as your focus is mostly lead to the one in the centre. I like how there is only one colour in the picture as it doesn't draw the attention away from the main focus of the image but adds to it subtly. 

I like how I used narrow depth of field in this image to draw the viewer to look at the part of the plant coming towards the camera. The depth of field is very narrow as the only part of the image in focus is the centre of the mentioned stalk, but I like this as it created one specific focal point in the image in a small and subtle way.

Both images uses narrow depth of field to show droplets of water sitting on plants and both mainly use the colour green due to the plants that they are capturing in the images. The both also have the part of the image that is in focus in the centre, rather than at the front or the back of the image. Another similarity is that both images show a large portion of the image, allowing us to see all of the different stalks and branches. 

There are some differences between the two images. For example, my image seems to have lots more water on the plant than the first image, implying that most of the water had perhaps dried up by the time that the photographer took the picture. Also, the first picture seems darker than mine, so it may have been taken in a darker environment or at a later time as mine was taken in a bright environment at midday.

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