Tuesday 10 November 2015

Depth - Work Diary

Today we studied depth in photography, looking at both narrow and wide depth of field. I am a fan of shallow depth of field as I feel it really helps draw focus to the main subject of an image. But, when I went out to take pictures myself, I found this quite difficult to do as it was my first time taking images like this. This is why, in my straight images, I mostly have shallow depth of field images - this is what I focussed on capturing.

This is an image that I liked. The reason that I liked this is because there is clear shallow depth of field in the centre of the image. I also like how it is not just the background or the foreground that is in focus, but it is in focus between these. 

This was an image that I didn't like. I tried to capture the fire alarm in focus, whilst having the notice on the wall out of focus, but I was not successful in this. I do not like it as an image of wide depth of field either, as although everything is in focus, I prefer wide depth of field to be in the form of landscapes.


If I were to shoot depth again, I would focus on getting more images with a wide depth of field. Where I was so focussed on capturing images that showed a narrow depth of field, I only took a few images with wide depth. I would also take some images in the studio as I feel this would be an easier setting to control.

1 comment:

  1. this is a good post even the wall image illustrates depth..
