Friday 6 November 2015

Movement - Image Bank

I like this image as I enjoy how is focuses on just one person. The photographer would have most probably used a tripod and moved the camera along with the rider in the middle to ensure that he was in focus. I like how, even though the rest of the photo is clearly moving because of the blur, you can still tell that he is moving.

This image was most like taken by having the camera on another seat of what appears to be a roundabout. I like how, although the background is blurred due to the movement of the roundabout, you can still tell that they are trees due to the range of green shades. Also, I like how the background appears to be moving and the roundabout is stationary, even though it is the opposite.

I like how this image captures the steps the dancers would have taken in order to get to the position they ended up in. This would have been through the use of a slow shutter speed. The image appears as though the dancers are leaving a trail behind them.

I really like this image, as the use of a very fast shutter speed would have captured the second the bullet left the apple. I like how you can clearly see where the force of the bullet has torn the apple skin, and although it enters from the right, the apple still explodes from this side.

I really like the effect that the use of a slow shutter speed and bright lights has. This photograph, for example, has used a slow shutter speed and the colourful and vibrant lights of a fairground ride in order to capture this effect. The lights appear to make a full circle and we can tell that it went around a few times as there are many lines of the same colour.

Again, like the last image, this photographer has used bright lights and a slow shutter speed to capture this photograph. But, they have used the headlights and taillights from cars in order to capture the lines going down the road. I like how, on one side, there are white lines and on the other red lines as it creates a contrasts and tells us the direction in which the cars were moving.

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