Tuesday 24 November 2015

Portraiture - Work Diary

In today's lesson, we focussed on portraiture photography. We started the lesson by researching different portraiture photographers, learning the different styles that have been used. Then, we worked in the studio on two different backdrops - one to take pictures from the shoulders and above, and one from a mid-shot.

I liked this image that I took as it was completely natural and could portray a mixture of emotions. The way her hands cover her face could show shock/surprise, but you can tell from her eyes that she is smiling and so she also appears to be laughing.

Whilst I do like this image, I do not like that it is posed. When shooting and researching portraiture, I discovered I prefer images that seem natural and show true emotions, rather than posed images. This is why I have included this image as the one I do not like.


If I am to shoot portraiture again, I would take close up images of faces in order to capture smaller details. I would also try and get more natural images of people, and a wider variety of facial expressions/moods. 

1 comment:

  1. a good post here which you could connect with the visual approach of Richard Avedon.... You need to add the camera settings and discuss why they were selected..... for the studio shoot also link to the light shaping devices used (softbox) why was this selected over a simple reflector dish?
