Friday 6 November 2015

Movement - Work Diary

In this session, we were tasked with going out into college and town to take pictures of movement. As I had never taken images like this before, I struggled to get to grips with it. I had used shutter speed before, but only when doing light photography and using a tripod, so going out without one and taking pictures in a natural setting was very difficult for me as I had to use shutter speed in a completely different environment. I managed to take five images that I liked, but I had hoped to take more.

This was an image I did like. Although the whole image is blurred, I feel that this adds to the movement effect. I like how you can see the people in the image twice - once clearly and once very faint - as it clearly shows how they have moved positions.

I didn't like this image. I had tried to do the panning shot, where you followed a moving object so that they were in focus but the rest of the image was blurred. I feel that I should have used a tripod to capture this effect. Although this image does show a clear motion of the car, I did not like that it had blurred due to me moving the camera.


I hope to shoot movement again in the near future as I would like to perfect this style of photography. When I do reshoot this, I will ensure that I use a tripod when capturing images as this will keep the background still, or - in the case of panning - it will ensure that the subject of the image is clear. Also, I will try and capture more light photography in a dark studio setting, as I feel this will majorly improve my images.

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