Tuesday 24 November 2015

Portraiture - Image Bank

I like this image as I like how the focus seems to be on the model's eyes. This is because of how bright they appear in contrast with her skin, and because of how long her eyelashes are. I also like how her freckles make the features of her face - for example, her eyebrows - appear darker.

This image is very intriguing as it uses selective colouring and props to make it appear as though the model is painting the colour onto his face. I like how, as the only colour is his skin, it is not a vibrant colour. But, it still pops in contrast to the rest of the monochrome image.

I like this image as the model, Twiggy, has used her facial expression to display shock. Twiggy's eye make-up is iconic and her trademark, so I like how it has been kept the same for this image. I also like how the background is the same colour as her skin in this black and white image, so that her hair and jumper contrast against this.  Also, the paleness of her skin makes her eye-makeup seem darker.

I like how, although the model is using a deadpan facial expression, it is still an eye catching image because of her intricate and detailed headpiece. The use of her deadpan expression brings more attention to the headpiece, as if the model was pulling a face then it may take the focus away from this, and there may have been too many details in the image.

I like how this image is so close up to the model's face, as the details are much more in focus and the smaller details are easier to see. I also like how bright the girl's eyes are, as this makes them the subject of the image. They also compliment the ginger hair well as orange and blue are complimentary colours, making the colours of the image pop.

I like how this image has used surrealism to create a portrait, as although the model is covering her mouth the image has been edited so that there mouth is in the correct place, but on her hand. The lips pop in this image as they are the only colour, which instantly draws your attention to them. I like how this is a very stripped back image - the model has no clothes, make up and her hair is up.

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