Tuesday 29 September 2015

Colour - Work Diary

On my first lesson on this course, we were studying colour within photography. We started off the lesson with a powerpoint about colour and then were set the task of finding definitions for different areas within colour. During this, I discovered that colour is in everything, whether it be extremely vibrant or extremely saturated. After this, we went out to take images of colour. I found this to be quite easy once I got the hang of what type of images I could take. Below a couple of the images I have taken and then edited on photoshop.

I like this photograph as it includes all of the primary colours and is very vibrant, so is a good example of colour photography. I also like how, in this image, the wall to the right has been blurred by the camera so that the focus is on the colour and not the white.

This image was originally quite bright and bold, so I decided to edit it so that it could be an example of muted colour. I did this by using the desaturation tool. I don't feel that this was a good photograph for muted colour as the whole image seemed to darken instead of the colours softening.


If I were to take images focussing on colour again, I would try to capture more muted colours as I mainly focussed on brighter colours. Although I could edit these images to make them seem more muted, I would like to try to actually capture these images first hand. I also would try to take more photographs with complimentary and analogous colours as I found this quite hard to do when taking photos around college and town.

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