Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pattern - Work Diary

In this session we were tasked with taking pictures of pattern. I found this quite enjoyable as I liked finding all of the different patterns around college, but did find it more difficult than I had expected to. I feel that it was difficult as it was quite similar to texture, which I was not expecting but as the time passed I started to realise this more and more. Although I faced this challenge, I feel that I was successful in capturing some good examples of pattern. Below is one of these examples.

I liked this image as it shows three different patterns all in one photograph - the one for the wall and the two different types of floor. I felt that these patterns contrasted against each other and each made the others stand out.

Although I feel this is a good example for pattern with the concrete squares, I did not like this as an image in general. I feel as though I should have taken this from a different angle and perhaps used rule of thirds in order to incorporate another photographic technique.


I was feeling ill during this session and opted to stay purely in the college campus as I felt most comfortable with this. If I were to redo this session, I would go into town to take some images as I felt quite restricted with pattern in the college and feel that I would be able to find a much wider variety off-campus. Also, I would try out some different angles as when I looked over my images I realised that I took a lot of my images from the same angle - face on and close up. 

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