Tuesday 29 September 2015

Line - Work Diary

As I joined this class later than it started I missed this session and so had to catch up on my own. As I had not been in the lesson and went straight into taking pictures, I thought that it might be difficult to find the right things to photograph. But, as I got started, I discovered that mostly everything has some kind of line in it, whether it be straight or curved. The more I got used to this, the easier it was to find images to take. Below are images that I took for line representation.

I liked this image that I took as the diagonal line going down the centre appears to separate the pattern concrete - which also features lines - and the plants. There are also poles in the background which can be counted as lines in the photograph.

Although I liked this photo as it has lots of lines, I feel that it is more of an example of pattern than of line as it is a repetitive design. I feel that if I had taken a close up image of just one brick it could have been line as it would have not shown the pattern.


If I were to do this task again and do something differently, I would try to take more photographs with leading lines as I found it slightly difficult to take good photographs of this. Also, I would try and take more photos of curved lines as I was in the mindset of taking straight line images. Another thing I would try to do is take more images from different angles. I feel that focussing on lines in my photography will be very helpful in focussing the image on a specific point as it draws your attention to whatever it points to.

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