Tuesday 29 September 2015

Texture - Work Diary

In Tuesday's lesson, we were asked to explore and photograph texture. I found this task to be the most difficult so far as I struggled to get a grasp on what types of things to photograph. Once I got going and looked more into what elements were involved in texture photography, I started to get more used to this topic. I still found it slightly difficult, but it was not as bad as when I first started to take the pictures. Below are a couple of images that I took.

I felt that this image was a good example of texture. I thought this because the camera is very close to the subject of the image and so the focus allows us to see the smaller details. You can see all of the bumps and cracks in the paint, so you can tell this would be a rough surface.

This was an image from the task that I did not like as I felt that it was not an example of texture. Although the silver jacket is shiny so you can tell that it would be smooth, I did not feel as though it fit the description of texture. 


If I were to reshoot texture images, I would try research more beforehand as I feel not doing so held me back slightly when I first started out taking pictures. I would also try taking a wider range of images as I felt that within college and the town centre I was held back on this part. I found it quite difficult to find a wide range of textures as I did not venture out very far. 

1 comment:

  1. but the images that you posted in the straight images section are strong and should be annotated, why did you select them, how did you photograph the image? describe the composition..
