Tuesday 29 September 2015

Line - Image Bank

I liked this image as it has both straight lines coming up straight from the middle of the image and curved lines going across the picture. I also like how the black and white makes the lines seem darker as they appear black against the snow on the ground.

I chose to add this image to my image bank as it has vertical lines, but some could be considered diagonal or curved as some slightly bend. I like how the dark green of the trees contrasts and stands out against the vibrant green in the background.

In both of these images, the end of the lines disappear into the distance and bring your focus to a certain point of the image. Both images use curved lines and both have a bright line/lines against a darker/more muted set of colours. Whilst the first image is quite simple, the second uses a very slow shutter speed to get the coloured lines above the train tracks.

I like this image as the diagonal, vertical and horizontal lines of string are all pointing towards to the knot in the middle, bringing your focus towards the centre. The lack of colour in this image makes you focus more on the lines and the fact that they all come from different angles always brings you to look at the centre.

I like this image as it uses the pier in the centre of the image as the leading line, directing you to look at the horizon. In editing, it is clear that the photographer has made it so that the pier seems a duller or darker colour than the sea and the sky, making it stand out and contrast more against the background.

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