Tuesday 29 September 2015

Form - Image Bank

In this image bank, this is my favourite image. I think it is a great example of form as the branches bend and twist is strange ways and really captures the viewers attention. I think that it has been edited well as the darkness around the edges fades out in the middle, drawing your focus to the centre of the image.

I feel that this image is a good example of form as the way the separate parts of this image bend and curve, they cast shadows on other parts. Also, the way the light shines in from the right causes the part in the centre to shine, bringing your main focus here.

The fact that this image is in black and white brings a simplicity to it that really makes you focus on the details of the flowers. The way the petal curls in at the to land casts a shadow on the inside makes the bottom part of it seem brighter and more eye-catching. Also, the small details on the inside part seem much more obvious and sharper with this editing.

When researching form, I discovered that most pictures are black and white. When looking at these two images of shells, I can understand why this is the case. The second picture shows much more detail than the first and only brings attention to the shell with the plain, black background. As the top image is in colour and therefore the background is too, the viewers attention is not solely on the details of the shell. The first image could also be confused with colour due to the colours of the shell.

I like this image as the curves of the stairwell are continuous throughout the image, and although we can only see half of the image we know that it would wrap the whole way round. I like how, as the image is in black and white, nothing is taken away from the colour and you can still see the detail in the railing in the stairs lower down.

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