Tuesday 29 September 2015

Pattern - Image Bank

I like this image as although this is an example of pattern, the repetitive design differs with each bit. Even though this is the case, it is still pattern as it is sticking to the same theme and they are all the same colour. You can clearly see each separate part to the pattern as they are all evenly spaced out.

This is a good example of pattern as there are two parts to it. Firstly is the most obvious as it is the subject of the image - going diagonally across the middle of the image is a mass of white cars, which contrast and stand out against the black floor. The other pattern in this image are the diagonal white lines on either side of the cars. These lines contrast against the line of cars as they are facing the other direction.

I like both of these images as they are close ups of patterns and are similar in this respect. They both also use contrasting colours to show the pattern in each image. In the first, each small part of the pattern uses a light, bright silver to stand out against the dark grey of the surface. In the second image, there are black lines going around each raised, green circle (the circles being the main pattern), which separates them and creates another pattern on its own.

I enjoy this image and chose to include it as I like the pattern that is used. The close up gives us a better view of it, and I specifically enjoy how the close up not only brings attention to the pattern, but also how the moss is growing in the lines. This brings out the pattern even more as the green contrasting against the grey in the shape of the lines shows it better.

I like this image as it is a more non-conventional example of pattern photography. The pattern of the lines - which may have been created using blinds as it appears the light is shining through the lines - has been reflected clearly on the model skin. Although it is only a shadow on the skin instead of an object, it is still clearly a pattern.

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