Thursday 22 October 2015

Reflection - Definition

Oxford dictionary definition: the throwing back by a body or surface of light, hear or sound without absorbing it.

My interpretation: reflection is when a light source if bounced back off of a surface.

Below I have included examples of reflection photography.

I like how this photograph uses reflection to make the pages appear to make a full circle and to make the black lines in the window seem to reach across the image, but if you look closely in the middle of the image you can see the edge of the table top, and you know it is a reflection.

I find this image very interesting, as the photographer has used a simple technique of using a mirror to create an effect that there is invisible space in place of the girl's body. You would think that it has been edited by the way that the grass in the mirror is reflected perfectly in line with the grass in the background, but this is due to the angle of the mirror.

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