Thursday 15 October 2015

Shape (studio) - Work Diary

In this lesson, we continued with photographing shape, but this time we took photos in the studio. I preferred this to the last lesson and found this much easier, as I photographed the objects that I chose to/brought with me and I was able to set them up exactly how I wanted to. Below I have included an example of an image that I liked and one that I do not like.

I liked this image as it includes the shape of the heart that I drew and the shape of the lipstick. I like how, even though the top of the heart has been cut off, it is still clear what the shape is. 

I didn't like this image as I felt that it did not have a strong shape that stood out. Also, the surface on which I took the photo is quite dirty and, when I tried to edit this, it gave the image a bad effect.


If I were to do this shoot again, I would bring in more objects with more defined shapes to photograph as I did not bring a wide range with me, and therefore was still slightly limited with the images I could create. Also, I would ensure that all surfaces were clean when I was taking photos.

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