Thursday 22 October 2015

Vivian Maier Research

In my opinion, I thin that Vivian Maier's work should be considered art as her work is quite unique with the way that she includes her reflection in her photographs. In the top image her reflection is the largest part of the image and is in the centre, but this doesn't make it the main subject of the image as the placement of her reflection helps the two people in the centre stand out and become the subject. Maier does not simply just add her reflection into images anywhere, she uses it in ways the help add small and interesting details to her photographs. An example of this is in the image below as she has been reflected twice - once in the window and then again in the mirror in the back, which is a very small detail.

1 comment:

  1. some good analysis here... the day task asked students to discuss why Maier photographed herself as rarefaction/shadow... in several her images...
