Thursday 15 October 2015

Shape - Work Diary

In today's lesson, we were studying shape in photography. We started out the lesson looking into Bill Brandt and whether specific works of his were considered art or sexually objectifying. This lead on to looking at the definitions of shape and creating an image bank, like usual. After this, we went out and took pictures. I found this quite tricky as it was so similar to form, but I managed to take about 20 images that I was satisfied with - these are on my contact sheet.

This was my favourite image from today's shoot. It is quite similar to one of the images on my image bank, which is why I took it as I was inspired by it. I really enjoy how, after editing it to be black and white and editing the brightness/contrast and levels, the lines appear extremely bold and the geometrical shapes in the image really stand out.

I did not like this image as I felt it was an example of form, rather than shape. In order to use this in a way that represents shape, I would include more rocks and create a shape out of them.


If I were to redo this shoot, I would try and focus more on geometric shapes as I found that a lot of my images used irregular shapes. Also, I would try and manipulate/move objects to create a shape that I want, rather than just taking images of what I had in front of me.

1 comment:

  1. a good explanation of how you manipulated and improved your final image..
