Wednesday 7 October 2015

Form - Work Diary

In this session, I caught up with the topic of form as I had missed taking pictures on this with the rest of the class. I was slightly unsure of what to photograph when I started as I found myself photographing almost anything that was 3D. But, when I looked back over my definitions, I realised that this was pretty much the case and so I continued with what I was already doing.

I like this image I took as you can see how the links in the chain are curved and wrap around each other, and how the lock keeps them together. I also like how the rust starts on one end and starts to disappear/fade away as it moves across the chain, as if it is creeping across.

Although I like this image and it does use form, I feel as though it would be a better example of line as the metal gate uses only horizontal and vertical lines. To make this better, I would perhaps take a close up of one of the bars to only get an image of form.


If I were to do this again, I would venture out further and try and take a wider range of images, such as in shops/playground/woods. I feel that doing this would give me a better opportunity to take images of different kinds of form. As I stayed simply in a car park, a lot of my images felt repeated or too simple. I would also attempt to take more images that looked good in colour as form as I feel that this is quite tricky to do.

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