Tuesday 13 October 2015

Shape - Image Bank

I like this image as it incorporates many different sized triangles and has hexagons in the middle, which together make larger triangles. The use of black and white brings your attention solely onto the shapes in the image and the thickness of certain lines draw your attention to the bigger triangles, with the smaller being the secondary focus.

I enjoy this image as the geometric shapes in it are not that obvious without the lines, but with these added in it points them out clearly. It also has more geometric shapes, where the light shines onto the top of the steps, highlighting the rectangles. Also, the model in the middle is an example of irregular shape with the way they are bent over and hugging their legs.

I have decided to include this image in my image bank as, although it is not my favourite image, it is a clear example of shape, with the way it uses curved and straight line to create circles and triangles, and how the triangles going out from the centre of the image form rectangles. This draws your attention to the centre of the image.

I feel that this image is a clear example of geometric shape in photograph, with the way that the shapes appear to overlap from the below angle this was taken at. I like how, although the red building appears to be a triangle, we know that it only appears this way from the angle of the photograph as buildings are almost always square/rectangle.

This is my favourite image in my image bank as I like how the irregular shape of the elephants form a heart with the trunks. I really enjoy how negative space has been used to create silhouettes out of the elephants. This has been done by taking the image with the sun shining onto the camera, therefore having no light shining onto the elephants. 

I like this image as, where the building has sections that are taller or wider, it makes the sky appear to be an irregular shape, although if you were face on to this building it would appear normal. I also like how the sides of the building are very sharp, making the shape of the sky clear and distinctive.

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