Thursday 22 October 2015

Reflection - Work Diary

In this lesson, we were tasked with shooting images on reflection. I found this quite difficult due to the weather - I was hoping for rain so that I could take pictures of puddles/wet surfaces, but I was unable to do this today. Instead, I mostly took pictures in the studio as I found it much easier using reflective surfaces such as mirrors, than trying to find a reflective surface around the college. Also, I found it difficult to take reflective pictures without getting myself in the image. Below, I have included an image that I like and an image that I do not like.

I really liked this image I took as it has both an example of light reflection and, if you look closely, you can see  myself in the surface of the bauble. Although I was aiming to not get myself in any images, I like that I am in this one as the curved surface makes it more appealing than it would if the image was on a flat surface.

I did not like this image as, although I do like how the colours are reflected on the seeds, I did not like the background. I feel that I should have taken this image on a plain background - such as paper or a sheet - than on a textured one. Also, I should have set the light up better to get an even background.


If I were to do this lesson again and be tasked with taking pictures of reflection, I would try to go out during a different type of weather - specifically rain - so that I could get some reflection images in puddles and wet surfaces. Also, I would try to use different background and bring in different objects to get a wide variety of images and see what would make great effects.

1 comment:

  1. please retouch the "weak image" as I think its quite strong and repost as an improvement (review assessment objectives, AO1, AO3)
