Friday 9 October 2015

Tone - Work Diary

In this session, we were given the task of taking images that depict a good example of different tones. This was, I felt, the most difficult task yet as I wasn't sure whether a lot of my images were good or bad examples of tone. This was because, although the images I took did include a wide gamut of tone, it was the image itself that I wasn't sure of. This is because I took a lot of surface images (walls, floors, etc) and so it was difficult to take these images from a variety of angles. But, I feel that after editing, I managed to find the 5 that I liked for my straight images.

This was an image of mine that I did like. I like how, in the puddle, the tones are much clearer as they are reflected strongly in the water. But, when the puddle fades out and the floor is simply damp, you can still see the different tones. I chose to turn this image black and white as I felt that the colours in the original did nothing to contribute to tone and took the attention away from this aspect of the image.

This was an image that I did not like. Although it does have dark and light tones, I feel this is a bad example of it as it seems to only have the two different tones. Also, the light does not blend out well across the surface and is only in one patch, which I do not find very appealing.


If I were to do this task again, I would try and take more images of 3D objects showing tone as I found this difficult to do and would like to try and stretch myself in order to improve. To do this, I would do studio photography rather than field photography as I could use a wide range of objects and lighting techniques to get great examples of tone.

1 comment:

  1. OK but you still have explored tone in a quite abstract way, the resulting outcomes are strong, well done...
